Sunday, January 23, 2011

Don't forget to stop and smell the... lilies?

Its Sunday... its raining and cold... we have no milk or bread or flour (unheard of!!!) and I should be heading to the supermarket. But here I am instead, laptop in hand, under a blanket on the couch, and feeling a bit pleased with myself... but more on that later.

Do you ever have that moment where all of a sudden you realised you have a ridiculous amount of things to do over the next week or two? It just hits in that pure moment of clarity and, well.... panic. I do have a tendancy to take on more than is natural for a human being, just for the satisfaction of the results. Is that healthy? No, probably not... my parents, sister, husband, best friends will all tell you so.

But maybe this isn't one of those times if I really think about it. In these moments I have to sit myself down for a serious talk, take a deep breath and I begin to realise its all doable. Its the unknown quantities during that two weeks that I think makes me nervous... what I have to get done, will it work, will it come out the way I want it to? Obviously this pertains a lot to this cake business, especially when it is something I've never done before... mostly I don't know if it is going to work out until its worked out! My current work space (for those who know me) is a testiment to the chaos in my head:

But then theres that fabulous moment when it DOES work out. All of a sudden it feels like there isn't too much to do, its all falling into place... then the sun comes out again, the birds are chirping, theres rainbows and unicorns and fairies and pixies and.... and... you get the picture. It does make me realise, its not about the quantity of tasks, but the unknown outcomes I'm waiting to find out about.

So thats what has happened to me today. I've been working on lilies for a wee while now and today I finally finished my very first one. It is the stereotypical 'first pancake', I know how I can make them better next time, but I have proven to myself that I can actually do this. I present to you my first ever lily:

Moral of today's story.... stop to smell the lilies, enjoy the ride... its never as bad or as crazy or as difficult as it all might seem. Keep trucking everyone!!!

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